Screenshot of spammy comments

Time was when a blogger in search of inspiration looked no further than the search terms people brought with them. Me too. Today, though, I happened to delve into my muck filter and discovered the schizoid spammer pictured above. So am I appreciated, or despised? You be the judge.

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Interesting times on the atheism front. Martin Amis is on top form in a wonderful essay called The Age of Horrorism. I can't possibly do it justice, and wouldn’t dare to précis, so just go and read. (Part two and Part three.) Then there's Richard Dawkins' new book The God Delusion. I have not...

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The three threes. “Three hours a day, three days a week for three weeks.” That, apparently, is what parents have to go through to get a conventional diagnosis that their baby suffers colic. Just one little factoid from a podcast on NPR about a clinic in Rhode Island dedicated to colic. A trial tha...

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